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Top tips for getting back into exercise after the summer holidays!

Categories: Motivation

Trying to keep to my exercise routine when the kids are off school is super tough. As a mum, there isn’t a part of the day when I’m not being asked to do something or else I am tidying up after them… not to mention the running of the business, cleaning the house, life admin etc However, I do always make sure that I find some time to exercise, even if it is shorter or not as intense as my usual workout. 

With the summer holidays almost over it’s time to start preparing to get back into some form of routine. After listening to numerous clients, I thought I’d put together a bunch of helpful tips to get back into it after the break:

  1. Prepare the night before - pack your gym bag and leave your trainers by the front door. Once you are up, you will see your kit ready and waiting for you – it is a great reminder!

  2. Do something for yourself – Doing some form of exercise will make you feel better, whether it is a gym workout, a Pilates class or just a walk in the fresh air – it is time for yourself!   

  3. Partner up - It can be super easy to skip a workout. However, when you have a workout partner, you’ll begin to notice a sense of accountability, because let’s face it, who likes lettings their friend down?

  4. Schedule it in - along with preparing the night before you should always check your diary for the week ahead and schedule in your workouts. Let your friends know and write it in your diary / calendar. I do this and it helps me so much.

  5. Ease yourself in – You might feel a little overwhelmed when it comes to starting exercise after a summer of not doing much. Start off small and set yourself little, short-term achievable targets.